1. Consider the best possible heat engine working in air at 25°C. The engine continuously converts heat from a source at 300°C to work, and heat is continuously transferred into the engine at a rate of 100 kJ/s. The maximum possible rate at which the engine can continuously produce work is ___________ 100 kJ/s.
A) greater than B) equal to C) almost D) significantly less than
2. How would you redesign a refrigeration system to solve limitations in operating temperature and pressure for a refrigerant working fluid?
3. What is the difference between a refrigerator and a spray chamber? If an air stream passing through each reaches saturation, what is the name for the temperature at which the air stream hits saturation for each stream (note: two different answers)?
4. Name two different ways in which you can measure the amount of work done by a process.
5. What are the implications of the second law of thermodynamics on a process if the change in entropy is greater than zero, equal to zero, or less than zero?