
Consider its nearing the end of the semester and youre

Question: Consider it's nearing the end of the semester and you're taking n courses, each with a final project that still has to be done.

Each project will be graded on the given scale: It will be assigned an integer number on a scale of 1 to g > 1, higher numbers being better grades.

Your goal, of course, is to maximize your average grade on the n projects.

You have a total of H > n hours in which to work on the n projects cumulatively and you want to decide how to divide up this time.

For simplicity, assume H is a positive integer, and you'll spend an integer number of hours on each project. To figure out how best to divide up your time, you've come up with a set of functions f fi: i = 1, 2, . . . , n (rough estimates, of course) for each of your n courses; if you spend h H hours on the project for course i, you'll get a grade of fi(h). (You may suppose that the functions fi are non decreasing:

if h < h0, then fi(h) < fi(h0).

So the problem is: Provided these functions f fig, decide how many hours to spend on each project (in integer values only) so that your average grade, as computed according to the fi, is as large as probable. In order to be efficient, the running time of your algorithm should be polynomial in n, g, and H; none of these quantities should appear as an exponent in your running time.

Can someone demonstrate me how to write a proper code for this problem and how to complete it. Thanks

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Computer Engineering: Consider its nearing the end of the semester and youre
Reference No:- TGS0959859

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