
Consider how practical it is to continue to incarcerate

You must have at least four meaningful sentences in the discussion. Discussion must be in Microsoft Word and must be an original answer no plagiarism. Primary postings should include either a concise summary of information or an analysis of the topic under study. Please don't use long quotations.

Please note within the text of your discussion posting where you got your information. Outside research should be academic in nature and come from reputable peer reviewed sources. You must include two references with your posting cited in APA style. Discussions Questions will be answered separately.

Each week there will be a media assignment consisting of an article, a video, podcast or other media. You must review this media and integrate and synthesize its content into the week's discussion.

Discussion 1

There has been much talk in the corrections community during the past 10-15 years about private prisons and how they may be cheaper and more effective to run.

But there are questions about the welfare of inmates, possible abuses of inmates and training for correctional officers.

For this week's discussion, discuss the pros and cons of private prisons.

Website/Article: Go to the American Correctional Association's website and download and read the article titled, "A New Era in Inmate Re-entry."

Video/Article Review

Watch the video featuring Massachusetts Correctional Commissioner Harold Clarke speak about the role of inmate reentry. Commissioner Clarke addresses some of the most difficult issues associated with the prisoner reentry initiative.

URL: Commissioner Harold Clarke speaks about Inmate Reentry(youtube)

Discussion 2

The death penalty has posed heated debates for generations. What is the goal of the death penalty and is it being achieved? Also discuss whether the death penalty should be abolished or not. Post by midnight Wednesday. Include information from your text, and the video.


Watch the 30 minute video titled: Life in Prison. This documentary examines three California prisons and their aging inmate population who are serving life in prison. Consider how practical it is to continue to incarcerate these aging offenders and whether justice is best serviced by the enormous cost to taxpayers.

URL:Life In Prison: A Project Envision Documentary(youtube)

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Dissertation: Consider how practical it is to continue to incarcerate
Reference No:- TGS02734703

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