You are beginning a Mini-Project in interviewing and coding that will span the next four weeks and will focus on developing you're interviewing and data analysis skills. Several Discussion and Application assignments-
For the Mini-Project, you will interview three people from this class using this prompt: "Describe for me someone you admire, either a historical figure or someone alive today. Explain why you selected this person and why you admire this person." You will then code the interview results, look for emerging themes in the results, and finally complete a write-up of the results.
Part A: Develop a research question, interview questions, and an interview protocol. Conduct interviews.
• Discussion 1 will assist you with understanding best practices in interviewing and provide you with a model.
• Discussion 2 will assist you with drafting a research question, interview questions, and an interview protocol.
Part B: Hand-code interview data.
• Discussion will ask you to work with a partner and hand-code one person's interview data.
Part C: Code interview data using NVivo software.
• Application asks each student to code his or her interview data using NVivo software.
Part D: Consider evidence of quality in results. Analyze interview data and look for recurring themes. Complete a write-up of the experience.
• Discussion asks you to consider evidence of quality in your interview results.
• Application asks you to Analyze interview data for recurring themes and complete a write-up.