
Consider each of the six assumptions of the

Consider each of the six assumptions of the mark-recapturemethod listed below. How might violating each assumption affectyour estimate of population size? Would violating the assumptionmake you overestimate the true number? Underestimate it? Would itmake it impossible to make any estimate? For each assumption, imagine a specific scenario (think about an animal, how you wouldcatch and mark it, and how the assumption might be violated). Writea short paragraph for each assumption explaining how your estimateof N would be affected. Include the specific scenario and anexample species.

1. At least some organisms will be recaptured

2. The organisms mix randomly between sample dates

3. Marks persist beetween sample dates

4. Marked organisms have the same probability of re-capture asunmarked organisms (ie, marking has no survival, growth, orreproduction)

5. Sampling effort is similar between dates

6. You are dealing with a closed population

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Reference No:- TGS0669429

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