Question: Mitigation Topic: Developmental Disability Limitations
Part 2: • Consider at least two benefits and two drawbacks of digital technology related to the topic problem and group you selected
• Search the Internet and the Walden library for articles that focus on the benefits and drawbacks of digital technology related to the topic problem and the developmental group that you selected
Write a 3-page paper (not including title page and references) in which you:
• Explain two benefits of the digital technology related to the topic problem you selected and why you believe these to be beneficial for the group you selected.
• Explain two drawbacks or limitations of the digital technology related to the topic problem you selected and why you believe these to be risks for the group you selected.
Part 3: • Search the Internet and the Walden library for articles related to digital technology and strategies to address the topic problem you selected.
• Consider how these strategies might bring about positive social change for the group you selected.
Write a 3-page paper (not including title page and references) in which you
• Develop 3 strategies for mitigation and explain how each strategy might support mitigation of the topic problem. Describe how digital technology is relevant to your mitigation strategies. Use your research to support your explanation.
• Explain how the strategies might bring about positive social change.
Use your Learning Resources and the articles you found in your search to support your findings. Use proper APA format and citations.
For this Final Project: Mitigation Plan Assignment:
Your Final Project should consist of a 8-page paper (excluding title page and reference page) and a 5-slidePowerPoint presentation.
Your paper integrates Parts 1, 2, and 3 into the 8 page cohesive document. At a minimum, the Final Project Assignment should include information that:
• Defines the topic problem
• Describes the developmental age group and relevant diversity factors
• Explains developmental and psychological risks associated with failure to address the topic problem
• Illustrates the role of digital technology (both benefits and drawbacks) as part of the topic problem and/or mitigation plan
• Documents several strategies to mitigate the topic problem
• Addresses the positive social change implications
Provide scholarly support for your statements and assertions. Be sure that you use proper APA form and style for your text, citations, and references.
The PowerPoint slides should address the following (one slide for each):
1. The Issue/Topic Problem and Developmental Age Group/Diversity Factors
2. The Role of Digital Technology
3. Digital Technology Benefits and Drawbacks
4. Mitigation Plan
5. Positive Social Change Implications for your Group