Consider any nonlinear system of your interest, whose mathematical model is known including its output equation. Linearize that system at steady state points. Find the set-point controller. Use the eigenvalue assignment (placement) technique to find the feedback gain of the linearized system (use the MATLAB function "place" as
>> F=place(A, B, lambda_desired)) such that the system output has a good transient response (no high overshoot and settles relatively quickly to its steady state value). Plot the system output response using the MATLAB function "plot" as >> plot(t,y(t)).
Prepare the report by presentencing all major steps of the project. The project should contain the following parts: Problem formulation, control technique used (linearization), set-point controller design, eigenvalue assignment to the linearized dynamics, Simulink block diagram. Put the SIMULINK block diagram in the main body of the project. Put the MATLAB program in Appendix. Plot figures using MATLAB, not directly from the SIMULINK scope block. Type the project using any software.