
Consider and discuss the customers for samsung

Segmentation and Target Market Paper samsung

Write a paper on a company of your choice. The company must be publicly traded and not the same company you are using for the team's project. Discuss the company's market segmentation and the target market for the company and the selection process for that target market.

• Required Elements:

• 1900-2000 words

• Include a definition of market segmentation and target market. Then describe the market segment and target market for the company you selected.

• Consider and discuss the customers for the selected company and provide descriptions of the demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral characteristics for the selected company's ideal customer. Is the customer a B2B, a B2C, or both? Explain your reasoning and inform the reader why you've concluded that the targeted customer within the segment is a good choice for the initial new product offering.

• Write a positioning statement for the company with careful consideration of their brand and strategy. Where would the company's ideal customer position the company on a list of similar companies? Would the customer place the company [top, middle, or bottom of the list] and why?

• Paper is consistent with APA guidelines.

• Appendix A- Provide a copy of the letter to shareholders from a recent Annual Report for the company you have selected.

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Other Management: Consider and discuss the customers for samsung
Reference No:- TGS01784522

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