Objective of course project is to offer students an opportunity to go through a sensor-based instrumentation system design experience. As you know design is the most important skill that engineers should develop and demonstrate. Designing an instrument for a specific application involves the following steps:
(i) Study the application environment and requirements,
(ii) Set system specifications (c1)
(iii) Consider sensor alternatives and select the appropriate sensor (c2)
(iv) Consider alternative conditioning circuits and processing and select the appropriate options (c2)
(v) Implement design: Characterize and model the sensor, design conditioning circuits and processing. (c3)
(vi) Perform appropriate tests and analyze results (c4)
(vii) Make any necessary design improvement based on initial testing
(viii) Verify final design: study the various errors, quantify them and calibrate your instrument or system.
(ix) Write a project report and present your work.
In Sensors & Instrumentation course we have been learning about instrumentation systems, error types, sensor types, operation, characteristic properties, modeling, and circuit conditioning.
2. Requirements and Deliverables
a. You are expected to work in a team of two or three,
b. Follow the appropriate design procedure
c. Justify selection of components
d. Perform the necessary experimental tests
e. Calibrate your instrument/measurement system
f. Write a technical project report (according to template) and PPT presentation
2. Suggested List of projects:
Digital Relative Humidity Sensor (Outdoor/Indoor)

To measure relative humldity,an HS1101 capacitive sensor controls the TLC555 timer's oscillation frequency. A NC MCU measures the period of oscillation and performs the calculations needed to display the results on the LED readout.