Consider a summer air-conditioning system that is required to maintain a room (space) at specified conditions. The layouts of the system as well as the specifications are listed below.
Required room temperature 23C, 50% Relative humidity
Atmospheric pressure 101 kPa
Outside air conditions 30C, 80% Relative humidity
Sensible heat gain for space 5 kW
Latent heat gain for space 4 kW
Temperature of air leaving cooler 12C
Temperature of supply air (entering room) 18C
One-quarter of the mass flow rate entering the room at state 1 (i.e., the supply air) is fresh outdoor air. In other words, one-quarter of the air entering the mixing box is outdoor air, and the other three-quarters is recalculated air.
Determine the following:
The volumetric flow rates of the supply air (supplied to the room) and outdoor air.
The heat removed by the cooling coil.
The heat supplied in the re-heating coil.