
Consider a square grid some of whose cell are empty

Consider a square grid, some of whose cell are empty and others contain an asterisk. define two asterisk to be contiguous if they are adjacent to each other in the same row or in the same column. Now suppose we dfine a blob as follows:
a. A blob contains at least one asterisk.
b. if an asterisk is in a blob, then so is any asterisk that is contiguous to it. 
c. if a blob has two or more asterisk, then each asterisk in it is contiguous to at least one other asterisk in the blob.
write a program that uses a recursive function to count the number of blobs in a square grid. Input to the program should consist of the locations of the asterisk in the grid, and the program should display the grid and the blob count.

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Basic Computer Science: Consider a square grid some of whose cell are empty
Reference No:- TGS0124911

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