Consider a solution containing 4.95 mM of an analyte, X, and 1.79 mM of a standard, S. Upon chromatographic separation of the solution peak areas for X and S are 3569 and 10981, respectively. Determine the response factor for X relative to S.
To determine the concentration of X in an unknown solution, 1.00 mL of 8.17 mM S was added to 5.00 mL of the unknown X solution and the mixture was diluted to 10.0 mL. After chromatographic separation, this solution gave peak areas of 6271 and 4865 for X and S, respectively.
Determine the concentration of S in the 10.0 mL solution.
Determine the concentration of X in the 10.0 mL solution.
Determine the concentration of X in the unknown solution.