
consider a simple single machine system it

Consider a simple single machine system. It consists of workpieces that enter the system, wait their turn to be processed on a single machine, and then depart the system. The workpieces enter the system one at a time with an exponentially distributed random time between arrivals with a mean of 4.4 minutes. The processing time for each workpiece is a random variable characterized by a triangular distribution with a minimum of 3.2 minutes, mode of 4.2 minutes and a maximum of 5.2 minutes. Two scheduling rules are under consideration- FIF0 and SPT rules.  FIFO suggests that the jobs should be processed in the same order in which they entered the system.  SPT rule suggests that whenever the machine is available, we load the job with the shortest processing time.  Simulate the system for 100 hours. Time in system is the performance measure of interest.  Which rule yields lower time in system?

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Mechanical Engineering: consider a simple single machine system it
Reference No:- TGS0211238

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