
consider a research paper submission process the

Consider a research paper submission process. The process starts when an author submits a draft research paper (the paper may have up to 3 authors) to the chair of the organizing committee of an international conference. Upon receiving the paper, 2 reviewers are assigned the exercise to review the paper and submit a report with comments and scores for the various selection criteria which are originality, relevancy, practicability, language, future work .Each criterion is assessed on a scale of 10 marks. If the total mark is 30 and originality is given 6 or above, the authors are notified about acceptance of the paper. The authors are then requested to re-submit the paper according to the conference format in .pdf and to submit a duly filled and signed copyright form necessary for publication. Moreover, at least one of the authors should register that is complete a registration form with payment effected before a specified date for the paper to be published in the conference proceedings. Concurrently, all the authors are sent an invitation letter for visa procedures and access to the conference premises and the process ends.

(a) Model this process using the notations in YAWL as per Appendix A.

(b) The process described is an AS-IS one, imagine the process was conducted through emails. Propose an online solution for the process to be conducted otherwise.

(c) In which circumstances other than the initial phase in an Enterprise Software Development are business process models very helpful.

(d) What could be the consequences if there is mismatch between the business process model and the software or system design?

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Database Management System: consider a research paper submission process the
Reference No:- TGS0359158

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