Consider a random walk {ut} and a stationary AR(1) time series {et}, which evolve according to the following equations:
u0= 0,
ut = ut-1 + ε1,t, for t ≥ 1,
et = ρet-1 + ε2,t, for t ≥ 1,
where |ρ| < 1 and { ε1,t} and { ε2,t} are white noise sequences, independent of each other (so, E[ε1,t ε2,s]=0 for all t, s.
Consider also processes {Xt} and {Yt} which obey the following equations
Xt + βYt = ut
Xt + αYt = et ,
where α and β are some constants, αβ , and {ut} and {et} are the processes defined above.
(i) Show that
Xt =[ α/(α- β)] ut - [β/(α- β)] et
Yt =[-1/(α- β)] ut + [1/ (α- β)] et.