
consider a mortgage example to nance the purchase

Consider a mortgage example to nance the purchase of a house or flat. You may use a real example or create a ctitious one. Search for di erent types of mortgages currently on o er by banks or building companies. Pick one xed rate and one floating rate mortgage as examples for detailed study.

Explain the di erences and similarities of the two mortgage types. Set up and compare the repayment schedules for both mortgages over the same time horizon. Make use of the mathematical notation and di erent compound interest functions introduced in the lectures. Try to include di erent scenarios for a time-dependent interest rate (piecewise constant in time or using stochastic simulation). Discuss advantages and disadvantages, similarities and di erences of both repayment schedules. You may use MATLAB, Excel or other computing tools. Please do explain how you get the results by writing the formulas which you are using and use gures or tables to show results, but do not include code listings or raw spreadsheets.

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Financial Management: consider a mortgage example to nance the purchase
Reference No:- TGS0264524

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