
Consider a hypothetical business process

For a commercial real estate company, consider a hypothetical business process that we might call "Planning and Implementing a Construction Project." In this process, the company responds to RFPs (requests for proposals) from commercial property developers, and tries to win construction contracts by bidding for them. If it wins, the company must deliver what it promised, in the form of actual construction work. If the client (i.e., the developer) is satisfied with the company's work, it pays them after the work is complete. Roughly speaking, one might identify the following sub-processes as comprising the overall process --

RFP Publishing
Proposal Submission
Proposal Evaluation
Contract Development
Construction Work Delivery
Work Evaluation
Payment Execution

Some of the above sub-processes occur at the client's end, some at our real estate company's end, and at least one of these sub-processes is conducted jointly. Can you identify which ones fall under each category? More importantly, discuss how the various sub-processes comprise a unified, integrated process, by means of information linkages among them. Think in terms of the information inputs and outputs of each sub-process. Whenever an information output of any particular sub-process serves as an information input into a different sub-process, that would be an example of an information linkage between those two sub-processes.

Identify at least two such information linkages, between any pairs of sub-processes.

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Other Subject: Consider a hypothetical business process
Reference No:- TGS0122914

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