Consider a file system that uses contiguous allocation, as illustrated by Figure 10.35. The block size is 32 bytes and all 256 blocks can be used to store data. The directory is not stored on the disk. Each directory entry contains the file name (e.g., A, B, C), the start block (e.g., File B starts at Block 4), and the number of blocks used in the file (e.g., File C has 5 blocks). The file sizes are always multiples of 32 bytes. That is, a file can contain only 32, 64, 96, ..., 8192 bytes. For example, File A is 3*32 = 96 bytes, File B is 2*32= 62 bytes and File C is 5*32 = 160 bytes. Does this system have internal fragmentation? Explain your answer.
Figure 10.35