
consider 2 countries avataria and twilightia

Consider 2 countries, Avataria and Twilightia, which can be described by the Solow model. Avataria has a capital-labor ratio that is initially twice as big as that of Twilightia, but neither country is yet in a steady state. Both countries have the same production function,

Y(K,L) = 4(K)^1/2(L)^1/2.

Avataria has a 10% investment rate and 8% depreciation rate, while Twilightia has a 15% investment rate and 12% depreciation rate.

(a) Calculate the steady-state capital-labor ratio for each country. Does the initial capital-labor ratio affect your results?

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Econometrics: consider 2 countries avataria and twilightia
Reference No:- TGS0500453

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