
Consider 1 mole of real gas satisfying vdws equation of

Question 1: Using the Dieterici equation of state.

P = (RT/v-b)e-a/RTv

Show that   

vC = 2b, TC = (a/4Rb), PC = (a/4e2b2),

and find the numerical value of RTC/PCvC. How does this compare with the tabulated experiment values?

Question 2: (a) Making the use of the cyclical relation, find the expansivity ß of a substance obeying the Dieterici equation of state?

(b) At higher temperatures and large specific volumes (low densities) all gases approximate an ideal gas. Show that for large values of T and v, the expression for ß obtained in (a) goes over to the corresponding equation for an ideal gas.

Question 3: A hypothetical substance has volumetric thermal expansion coefficient ß = bT/v and compressibility Κ = a/(Pv). Find a formula for its equation of state.

Question 4: Rewrite V-d-W's equation as a cubic polynomial with respect to v and show it has only root at vc can. Hint, factor it into an equation of the form P(v-vc)3

Question 5: Consider 1 mole of real gas satisfying VdW's equation of state. Assume the gas undergoes an isothermal expansion at To, From Vi to Vf. What is the configuration work done by the gas?

Question 6: Suppose a photoacoustic system heats by 1mK. Compute the pressure jump induced, assuming stress confinement (isochoric) and soft tissue values for thermal expansion coefficient   ß = 3.6 x 10-4 1/k and compressibility Κ = 4.4 x 10-10 1/Pa.

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Physics: Consider 1 mole of real gas satisfying vdws equation of
Reference No:- TGS01080255

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