
Consequences outlined by mcluhan and medium theory


In 2000 words answer the following question, “The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs”. (McLuhan, 1964,8). Discuss in relationship to two communication technologies that you think have had or are having the kind of consequences outlined by McLuhan and ‘medium theory’.

In answering the question you will need to,

1) Explain what McLuhan and other ‘medium theorists’ mean by ‘medium’ and the ‘medium is the message’

2) Select two communication technologies and outline what the current the state of research says regarding its impact on society and culture.

3) Demonstrate how McLuhan’s statement and ‘medium theory’ more generally could be said to apply to the case studies you have chosen.

4) Outline also whether you think there are limits to seeing your case studies through the prism of McLuhan and ‘medium theory’ and whether alternative explanations are possible/more satisfactory.

Hints for researching and writing the essay,

5) Re read the McLuhan E-reading and familiarize yourself with what is meant by the ‘medium’ approach to communication technology and its socio-cultural consequences, as well as debates/criticisms generated by this approach.

6) Select two communication technologies to research in depth (e.g, television, radio, the CD player, mobile phones, the ipod, the internet.

7) Identify 5-8 articles or books that you will use to research the case study

8) You should structure the essay and argument. so that the theoretical discussion and the case study are both done well but also feel integrated.

9) Make sure you comply with all the stylistic features associated with a university- level essay such as a providing an introduction and conclusion, full referencing and undertaking spelling and grammar checks.

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