
Consequences of money

1. Pick an article from the following list (if you want to pick a paper outside of our list, you need to obtain instructors’ approval first):

[Experiment] Kathleen D Vohs, Nicole L Mead, and Miranda R Goode. The Psychological

Consequences of Money. Science, 314(5802):115471156, November 2006.

[Survey] Brian E. Weeks and R. Kelly Garrett. Electoral Consequences of Political Rumors:

Motivated Reasoning, Candidate Rumors, and Vote Choice during the 2008 US. Presidential

Election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 2014.

[Survey] Rocio Rivadeneyra, L. Monique Ward, and Maya Gordon. Distorted Reflections: Media

Exposure and Latino Adolescents’ Conceptions of Self. Media Psychology, 9:2617290, 2007.

[Content Analysis] Dana E. Mastro, Erin Blecha, and Anita Atwell Seate. Characterizations of Criminal Athletes: A Systematic Examination of Sports News Depictions of Race and Crime.

Journal of Broadcasting 85 Electronic Media, 55(4):5267542, 2011

[Experiment] Uri Gneezy, Kenneth L Leonard, and John A List. Gender Differences in Competition: Evidence From a Matrilineal and a Patriarchal Society. Econometrica, 77(5):163771664, 2009

2. Write a report based on the article of your choice. This report should include:

(a) A one-page (double spaced) summary of the paper in your own words. Summarize the main findings of the paper, the method used, and the practical implications of the results.

(b) A 3-5 page (double spaced, excluding references if you have any) critique of the research. Your critique should include the following elements:

i. Brief description of selective hypotheses or research questions that interest you.

ii. Detailed discussion on the method

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