
Consequences of a recession on government budget

Question 1:

Explain and discuss the relationship between choice, scarcity and opportunity cost.


“In the capitalistic system, Consumer Sovereignty is the key”. Describe and discuss this statement.

Question 3:

Using suitable instances illustrate the terms public and merit goods.

Question 4:

Discuss the likely consequences of a recession on a government’s budget?

Question 5:

Explain and discuss the Law of demand and the factors influencing demand for a product or service.

Question 6:

Explain and illustrate diagrammatically how the market demand for a product will react if there is a tax imposed on the good.

Question 7:

What you understand by Price Elasticity of Demand? Illustrate and explain with examples, price inelasticity and elasticity and how it helps in decision making at firm’s level.

Question 8:

Make a distinction between a firm’s fixed cost and variable cost and give instances.

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Macroeconomics: Consequences of a recession on government budget
Reference No:- TGS07393

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