
Cons freewriting is a time-consuming activity and does not

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Freewriting is an excellent technique for overcoming creative fears and breaking through writer's block. the freewriting process consists of sitting down with a paper and pen, allowing yourself to scrawl whatever comes to mind. Freewriting means granting yourself the freedom to pour your thoughts out on the page, without the compulsive need to judge, correct, and edit as you go. Freewriting is a terrific memory stimulator. This activity reminds you of what we already know and helps you to make connections you might not otherwise make. It helps you to get past the sterile, static, surface responses so that you can burn through to the insightful and fresh "meat" of what you really want to say.

Cons: Freewriting is a time-consuming activity and does not guarantee brilliant results. It is possible to achieve only a clear idea of what you don't want to write.

Brainstorming, like freewriting, is a prewriting technique designed to bring subconscious ideas into consciousness. It's a good technique to use when you know a general subject you're interested in writing about but don't exactly know what aspect of the subject you want to pursue. Brainstorming is like a stream-of-consciousness technique in which you rapidly record all ideas related to a general subject. All ideas are equally acceptable; the purpose of brainstorming is to identify as many ideas related to the subject as possible.

Cons: Time consuming- The brainstorming process can take time. It could be hours, or even days before a solution is reached.

Utopian Ideas- Sometimes the ideas suggested are unworkable.



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Business Management: Cons freewriting is a time-consuming activity and does not
Reference No:- TGS02889138

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