
connectives - first-order logicwe can string

Connectives - first-order logic:

We can string predicates all together in a sentence by using connectives into the same way to conduct that we did for propositional logic. We require a set of predicates strung together in the truthful way a sentence. Simplify that a single predicate can be thought of as a sentence.

Now we seen there are five connectives in first-order logic. First of all, we have "and", that can we write ^, and "or", that can we write ? . These connect predicates together in the apparent ways. So, if we just wanted to notify that the "Simon lectures ‘AI" and Simon lectures bioinformatics", we could write:

lectures_ai(simon)^ lectures_bioinformatics(simon)

now there simplify also, that now we are talking about different lectures, so that it might be a ever best idea to change our choice of predicates, and make "ai" and bioinformatics constants:

lectures(simon, ai) lectures(simon, bioinformatics)

The other connectives accessible to us in first-order logic are (a) "not", written ¬ , that negates the truth of a predicate (b) "implies", is written as → , that be used to satisfied to say that one sentence being true follows from another sentence being true, and (c) "if and only if" (also calling as "equivalence"), such can written ↔, which can be need to state that as the truth of another sentence as the truth of one sentence is always the same.

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Computer Engineering: connectives - first-order logicwe can string
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