
connect a software application to a database

Connect a Software Application to a Database Backend

  • Acquire the knowledge and develop the skills needed to prototype an end user application using a rapid application development (RAD) tool.
  • Continue to refine the knowledge and skills needed to produce user interfaces that are aesthetic, intuitive and easy to use.
  • Develop the skills needed to design, implement and present reports from a database using a Visual Basic interface.
  • Demonstrate ability to design and implement a workflow model to simulate core business functions.
  • Demonstrate ability to apply rigorous error checking and data validation.
  • Demonstrate ability to design and implement good navigation within and between computer screens.
  • Demonstrate ability to write robust and maintainable code using accepted coding conventions.

Assignment Detail & Requirements

Project Detail

DVDEzy is a sales and rental DVD shop that always proud to serve its members with excellence home entertainment that is good in quality and value for money. Over the years many non-computerised methods of tracking customers and DVDs have been tried, none have been truly successful. Therefore, the shop manager David Smith decided to put investment on the computerised system with a hope to better serving the customers and to efficiently tracking the DVDs. The shop needs to record details of all DVDs currently in stock, the names and details of all customers and the details of all DVDs sold or rented (who they were sold or rented to and for how much).

Project Requirements

The main part of this assignment is to connect a software application (partially developed in Assignment 1) to a database backend that can be used as a DVD Management System. That is, the application, to be written (coded) in Visual Basic.Net 2008/2010 (you may also use C#) will be a Windows Application (NOT an Internet Based Application, please note the difference) that can be used by a Shop keeper and manager to keep record of all the customer information, DVD information, sales and rental transactions.

For Assignment 2 you are required to modify the user interface component of the application as required and to complete with all the error checking and validation code present for user input. You are required to write the business logic code AND the code to connect to the database. The database has been provided to you but further modifications to the database are can be done as long as they are documented and justified. You are required to enforce the business logic that is provided to you in the separate document. You may add additional business rules to your design and implementation as you progress through the assessment items. However, these additional business rules need to be documented and submitted.

You will need to ensure that you continue to read and monitor the associated discussion board found in Blackboard to learn more about the assignment as the semester progresses. Additional documentation has been provided in the Assignments section of Blackboard to complement the information contained within this document, please be sure to read ALL documentation before starting the assignment.

The main details of the assignment are as follows:

  • The assignment must be written using Visual Basic or C# .Net through the Visual Studio IDE 2008 or 2010.
  • The application is to be a Windows application and NOT a web based application.
  • You do not need to develop a database, it has been provided for you.
  • The windows forms that will make up the main parts of the User Interface should be able to support INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and 'DELETE' functionality for ALL tables found in the provided database.

The key functions of the application are as follows:

  • A login page at the start of the program with username and password. You are required to give access to the program only to David Smith with username= "david" and password="smith". This username and password are to be hard coded into the application not into the database.
  • Customer information can be added, modified, and 'deleted' from the database through a Windows user interface.
  • DVDs stock information can also be added, modified, and 'deleted' from the database through a Windows user interface.
  • DVDs selling or order information can be added and listed from the database through a Windows user interface.
  • DVDs rental information can also be added and listed from the database through a Windows user interface.
  • The user interface should be well designed, with a logical layout and flow, in addition to very intuitive functionality.
  • All input fields where required must have the necessary error checking and validation controls. For example, if you are collecting a postcode then the input field should only accept a number that is exactly 4 digits long and contains only numeric characters (Note: as the DVDEzy is based in Australia you can assume that only Australian based addresses are collected in the database).
  • All design assumptions and implementation details should be documented and justified through sound referencing and application of the theoretical concepts delivered in the course.
  • You must assume that the database design is static and will not and cannot be changed. Therefore, some of your own business rules and design assumptions may be governed by the database design.

Assignment Deliverables

For Assignment you will be marked on four main areas:

1) How well you design, develop, and implement a Windows VB/C#.Net user interface to support the business application detailed in this documentation.

2) How well you business logic functions and manages connections to the database and transfer of data to and from the database.

3) A robust application provides the help page for the user. You would be marked based on how well you provide the necessary help for the user that utilizes your application.

4) How robust and resilient your middle tier and database connectivity is. That includes, how thorough your error checking and validation controls are. This includes well commented code, well formatted code, the application does not crash or terminate unexpectedly, and the amount of feedback and instruction you provide to users when an error occurs. Further, you are expected to use Hungarian notation for all of your naming schemes.

You will need to deliver the following items for marking:

a) A word document that contains all of your supporting documentation for designing and implementing the application. For example, it may contain the additional business rules document, user manual of the program, etc.

b) A complied executable file (.exe) from Visual Studio that will run to demonstrate the application.

c) The complete Visual Studio project, including all of the files, sub-directories, and images you have used to build you application (full details on how to find all of these files and export them for submission will be provided in the discussion forums closer to the due date).

d) A cover page with your name and student number provided.

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DOT NET Programming: connect a software application to a database
Reference No:- TGS0206416

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