
Conjunctive normal form sentences in this macrle you will

Conjunctive normal form Sentences. In this ¯le you will ¯nd the following sentences in every third position.

1. ~[(Cube(a) ^ ~Small(a)) V (~Cube(a) ^ Small(a))] 4. ~[(Cube(a)V ~Small(a)) ^ (~Cube(a) V Small(a))] 7. ~(Cube(a) ^ Larger(a,b)) ^ Dodec(b) 10. ~(~Cube(a) ^ Tet(b)) 13. ~~Cube(a) V Tet(b) The two blanks that follow each sentence are for you to ¯rst transform the sentence into negation normal form, and then put that sentence into CNF. Again, check your work by opening several worlds to see that each of your sentences has the same truth value as the original. When you are fnished, submit as 4.40

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Other Subject: Conjunctive normal form sentences in this macrle you will
Reference No:- TGS0793646

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