Besides being made of polypeptides, the conjugated proteins posses additional groups, metals or ions.
Consists of protein and non-protein parts.
Nucleoprotein -- Protein + Nucleic acids(DNA/RNA).
Ribosomes - RNA + Protein
Chromosomes - DNA + Protein
Chromoprotein -- Colourful protein consists of Protein + Pigment, eg. Haemoglobin,Chlorophyll
Phosphoprotein -- Consists of Protein + Phosphate group, eg. Casein protein (milk),
Phosvitin (Egg yolk), Ovovitellin (Egg yolk)
Metaloprotein -- Consists of Protein + Metal
Carbonic anhydrase enzyme (in this Zn is present)
Hexokinase enzyme - Activator is Mg++
Xanthonine oxidase enzyme - Activator is Mo
Tyrosinase enzyme - Activator is Cu.
Aconitase enzyme - Activator is Fe++
Lecithoprotein -- Consists of Lecithin + Protein
Lipoprotein --- Consists of Lipids + Protein, present in plasma membrane
Glycoprotein --- Consists of Carbohydrate (< 4%) + Protein
Mucin - Present in saliva.
Mucoprotein --- Consists of Carbohydrate (> 4%) + Protein
Ostomucoid - Present in bone.
Chondromucoid - Present in cartilage