
Conics everywhere


Application Activity: Conics Everywhere!

Conic sections appear all around us in various forms and materials. For this activity, you will need to submit photo examples of each type of conic studied. Using photos from the web is allowed if you have no other means of taking digital pictures—Photos need to be from your home, place of work, or other areas with which you come into contact on a fairly regular basis. You will need to provide the location of where you took the photo (your house, your mom’s house, etc. as well as the city and state—the more detail the better!). Most significant is the need to provide a mathematical justification to explain why it is the conic you say it is including an approximate equation of the conic shape shown in the photo.

1. Circle
a. Photo:
b. Location:
c. Justification (mathematically supported – include approximation of equation of circular shape shown):
2. Ellipse
a. Photo:
b. Location:
c.  Justification (mathematically supported  – include approximation of equation of elliptical shape shown):
3. Parabola
a. Photo:
b. Location:
c. Justification (mathematically supported  – include approximation of equation of parabolic shape shown):
4. Hyperbola
a. Photo:
b. Location:
c. Justification (mathematically supported  – include approximation of equation of hyperbolic shape shown):

Provide complete and step by step solution for the question and show calculations and use formulas.


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Algebra: Conics everywhere
Reference No:- TGS01927318

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