
Conflict-handling approach


Choose two of the following situations. What conflict-handling approach would be most productive in the situation? Discuss why you chose the approach you did. Cite materials from your textbook to back your decisions.

  1. A manager of marketing is in a conflict with another manager in his cross-functional project team. He'd like to resolve the conflict so that he's on good working terms with his peer.
  2. Tom negotiates to win. He doesn't feel like he's really negotiated until he's left "some blood on the floor." You have a disagreement with Tom over a certain process. You feel your way will save the company money.
  3. Henry is in a disagreement with the executive vice president of his company. Henry decides that the matter isn't as crucial as he once thought, and the executive vice president can make things difficult for Henry in his job in the future.
  4. Heather wants to go to Palm Beach for spring break, but her parents are saying no. Her dad's pretty worried that she would even ask because "of all the things college kids do down there." Heather wants to make peace because she really wants to go to Europe with a study group this summer.
  5. Althea and Maya both want a secretary for their departments, but HR will only allocate one new personnel slot to their general area. Neither can really employ a full-time secretary, but the company has spent its temporary help budget.

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Project Management: Conflict-handling approach
Reference No:- TGS01845389

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