
Confidence interval for the proportion of all applicants


Harrigan University is a liberal arts university in the Midwest that attempts to attract the highest quality students, especially from its region of the country. It has gathered data on 178 applicants who were accepted by Harrigan. The data are in the file named Harrigan which is posted on my website.

The variables are:

Accepted: whether the applicant accepts Harrigan's offer to enroll.

MainRival: whether the applicant enrolls at Harrigan's main rival university.

HSClubs: number of high school clubs applicant served as an officer.

HSSports: number of varsity letters applicant has earned.

HSGPA: applicant's high school GPA.

HSPctile: applicant's percentile (in terms of GPA) is his or her graduating class.

HSSize: number of students in applicant's graduating class

SAT: applicant's combined SAT score

CombinedScore: a combined score for the applicant used by Harrigan to rank applicants.

The derivation of the combined score is a closely kept secret by Harrigan, but it is basically a weighted average of the various components of high school performance and SAT. Harrigan is concerned that it is not getting enough of the best students, and worse yet, it is concerned that many of the best students are going to Harrigan's main rival. Solve the following problems and then write an executive summary on whether Harrigan appears to have a legitimate claim.

1. Find the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all applicants who accept Harrigan's invitation to enroll. Do the same for all applicants with a combined score less than or equal to the median of combined score. And then for the applicants with a combined score greater than the combined score median. Perform a hypothesis test to determine if there is a significant difference between these two proportions?

2. Find the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all students with a combined score less than or equal to the median who chose Harrigan's rival over Harrigan. Do the same for those with a combined score greater than the median. Perform a hypothesis test to determine if there is a significant difference between the two?

3. Find the 95% confidence intervals for the mean combined score, the mean high school GPA, and the mean SAT score of all acceptable students who accept Harrigans invitation to enroll. Do the same for all acceptable students who choose to enroll else where. Then find the 95% confidence intervals for the differences between these means, where each difference is a mean for students enrolling at Harrigan minus the similar mean for students enrolling elsewhere.

4. Harrigan is interested in recruiting students who are involved in extracurricular activities. Does it appear to be doing so? Perform a hypothesis test to determine if at least half of those students that come to Harrigan have been officers of at least two clubs. Perform a similar test to determine if at least half of the students that come to Harrigan have at least four varsity letters in sports.

5. The combined score Harrigan calculates for each student gives some advantage to students who attended large high schools relative to those who attended small high schools. Is Harrigan correct in this assumption? (Split the data As a result, Harrigan believes it is more successful in attracting students from large high schools than from small high schools. Are they correct?

6. If the GPA, SAT score, the number of clubs where the student serves as an officer, and the number of letters in sports is used to calculate the combined score, is there a difference in any of these parameters when comparing large schools to small schools? Can you draw any possible conclusions from your results that might cause a shift in the combined score for a specific group of students?

Applicant Accepted MainRival HSClubs HSSports HSGPA HSPctile HSSize SAT CombinedScore
1 Yes No 1 5 2.89 78.1 388 1262 309
2 Yes No 5 5 3.61 94 121 1341 382
3 Yes No 1 3 3.05 82.1 343 1330 305
4 No No 2 6 3.13 88.8 192 1072 322
5 Yes No 4 3 3.19 88.2 181 1114 323
6 No No 5 4 3.11 80.1 259 1159 342
7 No Yes 2 3 4 97 425 1322 381
8 No Yes 3 11 3.56 87.4 467 1205 422
9 Yes No 3 6 3.98 97.1 475 1300 416
10 No Yes 6 9 3.34 81 270 1310 414
11 No No 2 7 3.06 69.4 258 1248 335
12 No Yes 4 4 3.31 87.4 374 1389 365
13 Yes No 2 2 3.53 88.3 290 1294 332
14 No Yes 3 6 3.36 85.3 467 1118 365
15 Yes No 2 6 3.67 87.5 250 1215 365
16 No No 2 5 3.14 81 227 1070 316
17 Yes No 3 9 3.41 86.9 248 1039 375
18 Yes No 6 8 3.34 88.9 147 1285 398
19 Yes No 5 2 3.54 91.6 338 1303 367
20 No No 1 8 3.31 85.7 471 1091 357
21 No No 1 12 2.91 73.8 408 1180 362
22 No Yes 5 6 3.55 88.3 165 1318 388
23 Yes No 6 4 3.61 97.6 300 1036 382
24 No No 2 12 3.63 92.4 446 1405 435
25 Yes No 4 3 2.83 81.4 45 1138 293
26 Yes No 2 9 3.14 77 148 1245 351
27 Yes No 3 9 3.63 98.6 516 1157 416
28 No No 4 6 3.5 86.7 409 1158 382
29 Yes No 3 6 3.33 85.6 318 1355 366
30 Yes No 3 7 2.79 72.1 478 902 324
31 Yes No 6 4 3.02 82.2 338 1034 346
32 No No 2 7 3.33 78.2 156 1324 351
33 Yes No 1 10 2.6 67.1 93 1002 301
34 Yes No 3 6 3.24 86.9 353 1213 356
35 Yes No 4 4 3.61 86.6 254 1127 361
36 No No 5 4 3.47 92.5 243 1240 369
37 No No 2 6 2.94 73.6 378 955 313
38 Yes No 2 15 2.97 74.4 174 1141 385
39 Yes No 6 4 2.87 79.5 176 1227 336
40 No No 6 9 3.2 77.8 139 1176 391
41 Yes No 0 10 3.35 94.5 403 1025 361
42 Yes No 3 1 3.83 100 484 1387 373
43 No No 2 12 2.77 74.3 348 993 351
44 Yes No 2 6 3.57 92.7 328 1348 372
45 Yes No 2 6 3.46 81.1 236 1031 342
46 Yes No 5 4 4 95 276 1296 406
47 Yes No 6 4 3.66 93.5 446 1058 396
48 No No 4 2 3.57 86.3 244 1152 344
49 Yes No 2 5 3.48 94 240 1258 349
50 No No 4 11 3.58 90.4 505 1423 448
51 No No 6 5 3.57 84.3 288 1047 385
52 No No 4 6 3.04 79.7 174 964 329
53 Yes No 5 2 3.18 85.8 271 1041 326
54 Yes No 3 7 2.82 72.5 171 1194 324
55 Yes No 5 6 3.3 85.8 276 1257 377
56 Yes No 3 6 3.15 84.4 378 1012 342
57 No No 4 5 3.44 81.8 495 1302 382
58 Yes No 3 5 3.42 96 275 1174 354
59 Yes No 2 5 3.5 84.7 356 1212 353
60 No Yes 5 4 3.79 89.5 617 1467 424
61 No Yes 3 2 3.59 85 364 1011 335
62 Yes No 1 11 3.22 78.5 392 1236 376
63 No Yes 4 9 3.05 79.3 369 1091 371
64 Yes No 3 4 3.64 96.6 274 1162 358
65 Yes No 6 0 3.92 96.2 274 1265 378
66 Yes No 3 2 3.26 82.6 255 1054 310
67 No Yes 4 7 3.52 88.8 286 1186 386
68 No No 2 3 3.68 92.1 392 1079 346
69 Yes No 3 12 2.98 80 124 1033 364
70 Yes No 4 2 3.12 80.5 196 1080 309
71 Yes No 1 5 2.91 76.1 228 1186 297
72 Yes No 2 7 3.18 87.5 288 1023 337
73 Yes No 6 0 3.63 90.6 135 1117 343
74 No No 4 13 3.01 84.9 291 1120 399
75 No Yes 2 4 3.81 96.3 302 1258 365
76 Yes No 3 4 2.95 77.4 235 1075 306
77 Yes No 1 9 3.04 77 151 1020 324
78 Yes No 1 4 2.99 70.9 237 1181 293
79 No No 4 10 3.29 76.9 374 1035 391
80 Yes No 1 4 2.95 75.2 393 1255 304
81 No Yes 2 7 3.39 86.4 236 1330 361
82 Yes No 6 5 3.16 82.9 71 1101 349
83 Yes No 5 8 3.17 80.8 280 1028 373
84 Yes No 4 0 3.22 78.6 163 1158 301
85 No No 3 5 3.52 91.3 213 1198 356
86 Yes No 4 3 3.47 92.2 301 1140 350
87 Yes No 5 1 3.33 90.2 97 1226 326
88 No Yes 0 10 3.16 80.3 372 1197 352
89 No No 3 10 3.38 86.3 461 1184 402
90 Yes No 6 5 3.13 76.8 250 950 350
91 Yes No 2 7 3.13 80.6 229 1241 340
92 Yes No 1 5 3.19 85.5 238 1242 319
93 No No 3 5 3.23 82.1 257 1067 333
94 Yes No 3 7 2.58 67.9 379 1119 316
95 Yes No 5 4 3.3 90.1 379 1306 371
96 No Yes 6 3 3.55 93 329 1149 377
97 No No 3 4 3.33 86.8 275 1273 343
98 Yes No 0 6 2.77 74.1 163 1042 275
99 Yes No 3 3 3.49 76.2 237 1298 342
100 No Yes 3 1 3.19 83.2 494 958 308
101 Yes No 2 3 3.51 81.1 295 1156 330
102 Yes No 4 8 3.14 85.9 444 961 369
103 Yes No 4 3 3.37 84.8 60 1027 321
104 Yes No 3 5 3.46 91.1 442 1428 379
105 No No 5 4 3.4 88.4 150 1141 353
106 No No 2 9 2.47 60.6 448 1020 312
107 No No 1 9 2.89 74.3 279 1165 329
108 Yes No 0 6 3.27 84.2 216 1063 311
109 No No 4 1 3.41 89.8 65 1229 318
110 No No 4 3 3.48 82.3 382 1268 360
111 Yes No 4 4 3.45 87.5 351 1242 364
112 Yes No 3 4 3.42 85.2 235 1332 349
113 No No 3 3 3.45 81.9 80 1087 320
114 No Yes 3 8 3.75 91.5 429 1195 408
115 Yes No 3 4 3.21 88.4 241 1136 327
116 No No 3 4 3.51 81.9 429 1245 361
117 Yes No 4 0 4 100 290 1516 378
118 Yes No 1 5 2.99 71.9 137 1026 288
119 No No 3 5 4 95 282 1569 409
120 No Yes 2 7 3.67 89.5 438 1193 385
121 Yes No 3 6 3.4 90.6 384 1297 373
122 Yes No 3 6 3.51 92.4 194 1377 371
123 Yes No 2 4 3.36 76.8 260 985 318
124 Yes No 4 3 2.87 86.1 328 1072 311
125 Yes No 3 8 3.18 85 309 1122 361
126 No No 4 6 3.2 87.2 192 1057 345
127 Yes No 4 6 3.77 89 423 1544 420
128 Yes No 0 10 3.09 78.5 484 1248 356
129 Yes No 3 6 3.2 87.5 281 1255 351
130 No Yes 2 10 3.09 75.2 291 1236 364
131 No No 3 6 3.44 86.3 240 1415 371
132 Yes No 1 5 2.85 78.6 286 1155 296
133 No No 1 9 2.52 71.8 327 1111 306
134 No No 2 8 3.32 89 304 1256 366
135 No Yes 3 7 3.39 91.3 253 1118 363
136 No Yes 6 3 3.36 89.6 190 1293 363
137 Yes No 4 1 3.3 79.2 53 1197 309
138 No No 3 8 3.08 82.4 223 1206 353
139 Yes No 0 2 3.49 91.7 282 1342 312
140 No No 2 2 3.67 87.4 256 1380 342
141 No Yes 5 5 3.35 80.1 348 1290 376
142 No No 1 11 3.7 94.9 425 1214 411
143 No Yes 4 9 3.06 83.3 364 1207 379
144 No No 5 8 3.58 96 407 1167 416
145 No No 0 7 3.12 78.8 517 932 320
146 No Yes 3 5 3.71 99.8 511 991 380
147 Yes No 2 7 3.47 91.6 73 1299 354
148 No Yes 3 8 3.6 93.9 186 1086 377
149 No No 4 6 3.53 88.8 450 1531 406
150 Yes No 4 2 3.4 95.7 279 1314 346
151 Yes No 4 9 2.99 81.3 130 929 346
152 Yes No 3 6 3.48 85 229 1129 358
153 Yes No 2 8 3 77.1 308 1310 347
154 Yes No 4 0 3.82 96 195 1502 358
155 Yes No 6 3 3.42 87.4 140 1239 360
156 Yes No 4 9 2.86 78.5 406 1055 360
157 Yes No 1 5 3.07 77.7 236 1249 310
158 Yes No 1 7 3.19 84.4 346 1039 331
159 No Yes 3 10 3.43 85.2 340 1217 398
160 Yes No 3 8 2.84 76.3 193 1219 336
161 No Yes 3 13 3.13 79.1 286 1091 393
162 No No 4 9 3.45 82 142 1309 393
163 Yes No 3 9 3.28 85.8 225 1112 369
164 Yes No 3 10 3.07 78.3 441 1137 377
165 No No 0 6 3.29 89.6 401 949 320
166 Yes No 4 7 3 81.6 350 1250 360
167 Yes No 4 3 3.4 85.8 66 1322 338
168 Yes No 2 5 3.36 87.8 377 1272 350
169 Yes No 4 5 3.25 84.1 84 916 326
170 No Yes 5 5 3.54 92 341 923 372
171 Yes No 1 7 3.51 85.3 241 1185 351
172 No No 6 1 3.45 86.4 290 1342 361
173 No Yes 6 2 3.35 87.6 385 1150 360
174 Yes No 2 9 3 81.4 408 1087 351
175 Yes No 3 4 3.09 75.4 199 1063 312
176 No No 2 10 2.88 81.8 533 1134 362
177 Yes No 1 10 3 81.8 123 1155 335
178 Yes No 2 7 3.35 83.8 282 1410 365

Solution Preview :

Prepared by a verified Expert
Basic Statistics: Confidence interval for the proportion of all applicants
Reference No:- TGS01919384

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