
Conference attendance-participation and journal


As part of your preparation for the miniMUN, you will need to research and write two resolutions. You will need a resolution for each of the topics in the committee. Resolutions outline the actions the United Nations should take on the topic under discussion. Resolutions follow a particular format for each conference. You will be using the MUNFW style. Below are the important points to include and follow.

1. Format

a. Parts

The MUNFW resolution format includes specific parts: Heading (Code, Committee, Session, Country name), Title and Clauses (Preambulatory and Operative). MUNFW requirements for Resolutions and Initiating Phrases. You will be responsible to follow this format. Attached as well is a GA resolution, and "Additional Guidelines for Resolutions."

b. Text

1. Parts - The text is composed of two parts:
Preambulatory and Operative Clauses

a. Preambulatory clauses are "justifications for actions." Their purpose is to set the context for the actions you are proposing. No action is called for in these phrases, but rather the committee is reminded of important issues and past actions.

b. Operative Clauses detail the specific actions the committee is requesting. Be sure to: include specific actions, only assign actions to parts of the UN that have jurisdiction in that area, describe how your actions will be funded.

2. Initiating Phrases (Clauses) - Preambulatory and Operative Clauses have their own set of initiating phrases. Attached is a list of Initiating Phrases used by MUNFW (choose only clauses from this list and use the correct clause based on the part). All clauses are to be started with these introductory words.

c. Format

(Initiating Phrases are underlined and indented, operative phrases are underlined, numbered and indented, double spaced between clauses, commas between preambulatory clauses and semi-colons between clauses, period at the end)Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.[1][2] Usually an extracurricular activity, some schools

Participants in Model United Nations conferences, known as delegates, are placed in committees and assigned countries, or occasionally other organizations or political figures, where they represent members of that body. They are presented with their assignments in advance, along with a topic or topics that their committee will discuss. Delegates conduct research before conferences and formulate positions that they will then debate with their fellow delegates in the committee, staying true to the actual position of the member they represent.[4] At the end of a conference, the best-performing delegates in each committee, as well as delegations, are sometimes recognized with awards.

Your conference grade will be based off (a) your conference goals, (b) your participation in the conference, and (c) your written answers to the questions below.

Part I: Goals

Think about what 5-6 (or more) goals you would like to achieve at the conference. Turn in these goals and be as specific and realistic as possible. Your goals should require effort and challenge you. Your goals are due at the Mock Session.

Part II: Conference Attendance/Participation and Journal

The conference assignment consists of two parts: attendance/active participation and journal.

A. Attendance

You need to attend and actively participate in the full miniMUN conference (unless previously excused). If you are unable to attend, you must have an excusable absence approved by me prior to the event.

B. Journal

You will need to keep a detailed journal (3-4 typed pages in total) during the conference that details your activities. Include points such as speeches given and on what subjects, working papers your were a signatory or sponsor of, times when you succeeded and times you failed, and a final summary of your overall appraisal of your performance. The goal of the journal is to let me know all that you did so I can give you credit and to demonstrate to me how your skills as a MUN delegate have improved during the course of the conference.

Part III. Debrief Answers

At the end of the journal briefly answer the following question (3-4 sentences each/ 1 page total).

1. What did you learn at the conference?

2. What was the hardest problem you had to overcome? Why?

3. What would you do differently next time? Why?

4. Is there anything you would like me to know in assigning your grade?

5. Do you have any constructive suggestions for the next conference?

The journal and debrief should be at least 4-5 typed pages (3-4 pages journal, debrief at least 1 page)

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