
Conducting research can be a time-intensive process however


Conducting research can be a time-intensive process. However, there are various methods that may help you conduct research more efficiently. This evidence can be categorized as primary or secondary sources. Primary research is based on first-hand observations and interpretations; in secondary research, you have to rely on another writer's ability to find and analyze information. It is ideal to have a research strategy or plan in place before jumping into looking for sources. In this Discussion, you will build your research strategy.

Respond to the following questions in at least two well-developed paragraphs:

• Include your thesis statement for an argument for change in your community or workplace, and identify at least three search terms you can use in an Internet search engine to find sources to support that thesis statement.
• How will you evaluate the credibility of the sources you find, particularly those on the Internet?
• What primary sources might be helpful for addressing questions that your secondary sources cannot answer?

References in APA format.

Sample discussion for this Unit:


My potential thesis statement is: Insurance companies should reimburse ABA therapy for children on the autism spectrum because ABA is a form of mental health care. Most families cannot afford the necessary hours without coverage, and schools cannot be expected to provide all special education support.

Some search terms I can use would be "Applied Behavior Analysis," "ABA insurance coverage," and "ABA and autism." A quick search in the KU Library reminded me of the importance of limiting search terms and spelling out words, though; the "Applied Behavior Analysis" search yielded over 2.5 million results, and the "ABA insurance coverage" search got me a bunch of articles on the American Bankers Association. Once I changed the search term to spell out "Applied Behavior Analysis insurance coverage," the 172,535 search results looked like they would be relevant to my topic. I can further narrow my results by limiting the date and asking for only full text articles. While I just did general searches for an initial check to make sure I would be able to find materials, a couple of the Kaplan Library databases could be helpful; ERIC focuses on educational issues, and Health Source Complete also seems like a good idea.

As for evaluating my sources, I am not worried about research I find in the Kaplan Library other than making sure the publication date is recent. However, I will need to evaluate websites much more carefully; I don't want to pick out a source that is biased or, in the case of a site for an ABA provider, trying to sell a service (Kaplan University Writing Center, n.d.).

A possible interview subject would be the woman who runs The Shape of Behavior, an ABA provider in my city. I could get some details from her about insurance coverage for ABA in this state, costs of the therapy, and how much therapy children typically need.

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