Form a team of three to four students in your class. Select one or two local franchises to conduct a survey on, such as Subway or McDonald’s. Design a brief survey (10 to 12 questions) including questions like ratings on quality of food, speed of service, knowledge of employees, attitudes of employees, and price, as well as several demographic variables such as age, address, how often individuals eat there, and day of week and time of day. Obtain permission from the franchises to interview their customers at a convenient time, usually when they are leaving. Assure the franchiser you will not bother customers and that you will provide the franchise with a valuable report on your findings. Develop frequency charts, pie charts, and similar graphic displays of findings, where appropriate. Use statistics to test hypotheses, such as “Perceptions of speed of service differ by time of day or day of week.” Prepare a report and present it to your class; particularly point out where statistically significant differences exist and why.
Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.