
conducting a critical review of published

Conducting a critical review of published literature about a topic is fundamental step in developing your research skills. A first step towards a review of the literature is to search out published information, record it in the form of a synopsis and evaluate its reliability and usefulness to your research. The product of this first step is an annotated bibliography. This research activity helps you gain a good understanding and insight into relevant research previously completed by other researchers. The annotated bibliography is designed to bring you up to date with current knowledge about the area in question and accurately record this information and your sources.

For each of the sources identified in question 5 (assignment 5 )above:

1)Critically evaluate each source according to the selected bullet points.

2)Produce a report (using in-text citations and a reference list that meets the (APA referencing standards) with

1)An introduction describing the topic under review;

2)A body containing the annotated bibliography;

3) A conclusion summarising what insight your research has given you into the implications of a minimum wage rise for the stakeholders groups; and;

4)A possible topic for further study.

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Auditing: conducting a critical review of published
Reference No:- TGS0205784

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