
Conduct the statistical analyses of clinical data


You will be attending the PC based practical classes between week 7 and week 10. You will be required to perform series of exercises using the SPSS software. You will be given a separate workbook for each workshop session. All exercises must be completed and the reports from all sessions must be submitted in one document via Turnitin. Assignment: For the sessions 8 - 10 you will be required to complete the assignment tasks described in the workbooks. Please collect them in one document and submit.


In the appendix of this document you will find a raw dataset from a fictitious clinical study which I would like you to analyze, interpret and report upon for this assignment task.

The study

It is well accepted by many audiologists that consistent daily hearing aid usage will not only improve hearing but can also support plasticity changes, positively influencing the hearing rehabilitation process in first time hearing aid users. With this in mind, it is essential that consistent hearing aid usage is encouraged amongst patients.

Recently, the DMU audiology clinic started fitting their patients with a new hearing aid which was capable of tracking average hearing aid usage per day (a feature sometimes referred to as data-logging). The audiologist working in the clinic noticed that after the 6 week post-fit follow up, many patients weren't wearing their aids for very long. In an effort to improve hearing aid usage, the audiologist decided to implement a new clinical counselling strategy to try and encourage his patients to wear their aids more often. To see if his new approach had been successful he designed a small clinical study. He hypothesised that his new clinical counselling approach would see a general increase in hearing aid usage as compared to a 'standard fitting approach'.

The audiologist recruited 20 adult patients who were all due to receive bilateral hearing aids for the first time. The patients were all over 50 and had sensorineural hearing loss. The patients were randomly assigned into 1 of 2 groups. Group 1 received the 'standard fitting approach'. Group 2 received the 'new clinical counselling approach'. Patients were blinded as to which group they had been allocated to. Six weeks later, all patients were followed up in clinic. The audiologist extracted the average daily usage from each patient's aid, noting which experimental group they had been placed under (see raw data in appendix 1).

Your part 2 assignment task (2000 words max total)

Using the information and data provided, I would like you to:

Analyze, interpret and report upon the clinical data found in the appendix. Use both descriptive and inferential statistics to help address the following points:

- Are the patient groups well matched; age, sex, hearing loss?

- How did hearing aid usage compare between groups; did the new clinical counseling approach have a significant impact?

Suggested part 2 Assignment Layout:

1. Statistical Analyses of clinical data

a) Descriptive statistics (whatever you choose)

b) Inferential statistics to test the hypothesis (whatever you choose)

c) Rationale for choice of statistical tests

d) Results Discussion

e) Conclusion

f) References

Tips and guidance - It is recommended that you:

·         Explain why the chosen statistics are appropriate.

·         Describe the meaning of the results presented.

·         Discuss the results design of the experiment with references to available published literature (1 publication is enough).

·         Use SPSS software to compute your statistical analysis of the data.

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Tags: SPSS Software Assignment Help, SPSS Software Homework Help, SPSS Software Coursework, SPSS Software Solved Assignments, Statistical Tests Assignment Help, Statistical Tests Homework Help, Inferential statistics Assignment Help, Inferential statistics Homework Help, Descriptive statistics Assignment Help, Descriptive statistics Homework Help

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Applied Statistics: Conduct the statistical analyses of clinical data
Reference No:- TGS03025609

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