
Conduct the appropriate follow up tests and include output


Part 1. Using Green and Salkind (version 7e), Lesson 28, complete exercises 1 - 6. You may use your SPSS software help file with conducting the analysis if you are unfamiliar with the procedure or other resources listed in the syllabus. The following exercises are excerpts from the Green & Salkind (2014) corresponding textbook as related to the data for Exercises 1 through 4 in the data file named lesson 28 Exercise File 1 located on the web: https://www.pearsonhighered.com/greensalkindSPSS/

1. You will conduct a MANOVA to evaluate the effects of a training program. Be sure to provide the following output: the Wilk's lambda with its associated F statistic and its h2 statistic; the univariate F statistic for the teacher rating; and the mean statistic for the parent rating.

2. You will conduct the appropriate follow up tests and include the output.

3. You will write the results section in APA style.

4. You will create a boxplot to graphically show Dana's results.

The data for Exercises 5 through 6 are in the data file named lesson 28 Exercise File 2 located on the web:


1. You will conduct a One-Way ANOVA to evaluate the differences on the disability status groups among the three perceived competence variables.

You will write a results section in APA style.

Part 2. In two or three paragraphs, explain what the Wilk's lamba (l) and the F statistic associated with the Wilk's lambda mean and how they are interpreted.

Length: 3 pages

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Basic Statistics: Conduct the appropriate follow up tests and include output
Reference No:- TGS01970113

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