
Conduct the analysis-shasta faculty practice case study

By considering the Shasta Faculty Practice case study by Physician Extender Analysis enclosed below; on behalf of this answer the following questions.

1. Identify the questions being asked in the case study.

2. Conduct the analysis to answer the questions.

3. Prepare a Power Point presentation (15 minutes in length) presenting your answers to the questions.  Your Power Point presentation will be a virtual presentation where you include recorded narration. You will take us through the questions, your analysis, and conclusions.   Be sure to include your spreadsheet models as a separate upload when you submit your PowerPoint.  Without seeing your work, it is difficult to give partial credit.

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Other Subject: Conduct the analysis-shasta faculty practice case study
Reference No:- TGS01238300

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The article is a case study in there is analysis of physical extenders. This case study is helpful in analysing whether physician extenders should be used in clinics or not. The impact on physician productivity, volume of patients and economic benefits can be easily analysed by this case study.

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