
Conduct research relevant to a specific question at issue

Final Project Overview

In this course, you will conduct research relevant to a specific question at issue, combining the concerns of two different disciplines of study and articulate your findings through a substantial academic essay. This process will consume the entirety (i.e. all eight weeks) of the course.

Throughout, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of your instructor and your fellow students, receive their feedback, and draw on their opinions, experiences, and expertise's in conducting your research and articulating your argument.

Please take the time to review the following documents to make sure the final version of your paper aligns to these requirements.

• Conceptualizing the Paper

Please also note the requirements of this essay assignment:

The length of the essay should be approximately 2500-3000 words (i.e. 8-10 double-spaced pages of 12-point Times New Roman font text with 1-inch margins, not including title page, reference page(s), and any necessary appendices)

The argument articulated in the essay must combine information from two different disciplines, preferably disciplines comprising your degree program.

The argument featured in the essay should include the support of at least ten (10) sources of research. At least six (6) of these sources must be scholarly (i.e. peer-reviewed).

The essay must be formatted in accordance with the guidelines of the APA style (i.e. using the 6th edition of the APA Publication Style Guide).
All information drawn from external sources must be cited properly, in the APA style (i.e. both within the text of your essay and in a corresponding list of references).

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Dissertation: Conduct research relevant to a specific question at issue
Reference No:- TGS02499684

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