Assignment Task: Direct Observation
Practical Demonstration of Parts
Part 1: Conduct research and present technical reports
Upon completion of this Part, you should be able to demonstrate how to conduct research and present technical reports in an automotive service and repair industry.
Student instructions:
You MUST Research and prepare two [2] different technical reports, in which the work must involve:
» Accessing and interpreting relevant automotive technical information
» Developing a research outline
» Undertaking detailed research of the subject area
» Analyzing data
» Developing conclusions, findings and recommendations
» Presenting reports to intended target audience.
Tools and Materials
» CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motorsport) regulations.
» Australian Design Rules.
» Australian Standards.
» Vehicle industry regulations.
Protective Clothing:
» Safety goggles or glasses with side shields
» Steel-toed shoes
» Vehicle protection
Job Card1: Conduct research and present technical reports
Job Details:
Upon completion of this Part, you should be able to demonstrate how to Conduct research and present technical reports in an automotive service and repair industry.
Tool and Materials:
» Range of reference materials relevant to technical research activities and vehicle specifications and procedures
» Computers and software to navigate computer software to collect, add and edit information in documents.
Protective Clothing:
» Safety goggles or glasses with side shields
» Steel-toed shoes
» Vehicle protection
A customer has asked you to research and present them a technical report on how to increase the power output of their vehicle power by 10-15% (The vehicle can be a vehicle in the workshop). You must devise methods to gain this power increase (at the axle). Develop a technical report to outline your approach to gain the increase. You must research, analyse and report on the specifications and/or effectiveness of existing or proposed technical systems, componentry, materials and/or processes and those to be implemented. Ensure that proposed modifications are in line with Australian Design Rules, Australian Standards and Vehicle industry regulations.
The report should contain these components:
» Title page
» Summary
» Table of Contents
» Introduction
» Middle sections with numbered headings (i.e., the body of the report)
» Conclusions
» References
» Appendices
Customer Concern
Research and present a technical report on how to increase the power output of their vehicle power by 10 -15%.
Problem 1: What range of technical information and documents relevant to work activities have you sourced to help prepare this technical report?
Problem 2: What strategies have you developed to research and write technical reports?
Problem 3: What questions can you ask the customer or supervisor to clarify and confirm report requirements?
Problem 4: What workplace technology can you access to use to access technical documentation like OEM workshop manuals, ADRs, Australian Standards, vehicle Industry regulations, professional publications and pass test results data?
Job Card 2: Conduct research and present technical reports
Job Details:
Upon completion of this Part, you should be able to demonstrate how to Conduct research and present technical reports in an automotive service and repair industry.
Research and present a technical report to outline the baseline technical specifications.
Problem 1: What range of technical information and documents relevant to work activities have you sourced to help prepare this technical report?
Problem 2: What strategies have you developed to research and write technical reports?
Problem 3: What questions can you ask the customer or supervisor to clarify and confirm report requirements?
Problem 4: What workplace technology can you access to use to access technical documentation like OEM workshop manuals, CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motorsport) regulations, professional publications information and pass test results data?
Relation to Practical Parts Job Card 1
Problem 1: What to do with the information you find?
Problem 2: What does the technical background report do?
Problem 3: When you have completed your technical research, it is important to include a bibliography, or works cited. Why?
Problem 4: Poor planning can have an impact on the integrity of your research, for two key reasons?
Verbal Questioning - In Relation to Practical Parts Job Card 2
Problem 1: What to do with the data/information?
Problem 2: What are three types of information sources?
Problem 3: Key features of technical reports are?
Problem 4: What does the summary do in a technical report?
Attachment:- Automotive service and repair industry.rar