
Conduct primary marketing research for the customer

Conduct primary marketing research for the customer acceptance of a new product that has not been marketed to Singapore in the form of a questionnaire survey comprised of 15 to 20 items. You are required to submit a formal report for this assignment and present your
findings in class.

The aim of the main assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to develop critical thinking and application of the concepts and models taught in the module. The work submitted must make reference to appropriate literature considered within the module. Students are also expected to demonstrate their competence in the following areas:

- Knowledge and application of key concepts,

- Critical analysis and level of argument,

- Extent of reading and references used,

- Structure and presentation of the submission, writing style, appropriate citations and referencing.

1. What is your gender?

1. Male
2. Female

2. What is your age?

1. 20 - 24
2. 25 - 34
3. 35 - 44
4. 45 - 54
5. 55 and above

3. What is your highest education level?

1. Doctorate degree
2. Master's degree
3. Bachelor's degree
4. High school graduate/Diploma
5. GCE O Level
6. GCE N Level
8. No schooling completed

4. What is your annual income?

1. Less than $30,000
2. $31,000 - $40,000
3. $41,000 - $50,000
4. $51,000 - $60,000
5. More than $60,000

5. Do you have any children living at home?

1. Yes
2. No

6. How likely are you to buy a product which is environmentally friendly?

1. Will always buy
2. More likely will buy
3. Neither less or more likely to buy
4. Not likely to buy
5. Will never buy

7. If there is a re-fill station in supermarkets for environmentally friendly cleaner, will you patronize?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Not sure

8. Are you willing to pay more for a product which is environmentally friendly?
1. Yes
2. No

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Marketing Management: Conduct primary marketing research for the customer
Reference No:- TGS0992671

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