
Conduct preliminary background research using available and

Corporate Sustainability Management

Project: Group Business Report

Environmental Sustainability Management for Sustainable Human Development: Report

Part 1: 2500 Words

  • Conduct preliminary background research (using available and reliable information sources such as ProQuest, eBrary, EBSCOhost, Taylor & Francis research journals, and other journals dedicated to environmental management and sustainable development, government websites, etc.) and identify a number of major environmental issues. Briefly discuss the environmental issues you had identified, and prioritise them based on environmental urgency and importance. Selected one of the most important environmental issues. (500 words)
  • Conduct comprehensive research and analysis of the selected environmental issue and argue why it is one of the most important issues that require attention. Explained and discuss the issue in details, and provide a number of examples illustrated and supported with up-to-date data. (500 words)
  • Conduct comprehensive research and analysis in regards to the state of environmental planning in Australia in relation to the issue identified. (500 words)
  • Conduct comprehensive research and analysis in regards to the state of environmental planning overseas in general (or in a selected overseas country) in relation to the issue identified. (500 words)
  • Compare and contrast the state of environmental management and planning in Australia and globally, and provide a number of examples illustrated and supported with up-to-date data. (500 words)

Part 2: 3000 WORDS

  • Conduct comprehensive research and analyse trends between urban form, community attitudes to natural processes, resource management, and policy development in Australia related to the issue identified. (650 words)
  • Conduct comprehensive research and analyse trends between urban form, community attitudes to natural processes, resource management, and policy development in a global environment (or in a selected overseas country) related to the issue identified. (650 words)
  • Develop and argue a business case for environmental sustainability management related to the issue identified. Support your business case by solid arguments and real-life examples of businesses that have done it in past. (600 words)
  • Apply innovative and entrepreneurial thinking and practice to environmental sustainability management and propose, and discuss in details, a number of strategies for future sustainable environmental development related to the issue identified, illustrated and referenced by real-life examples. (600 words)
  • Provide a brief summary highlighting key points of your research-based business report dedicated to one of the most important environmental issue. (500 words)


You will be required to present your assignment in class at an allocated time.

  • the presentation to be 7 to 10 minutes (4 to 5 minutes each student)
  • the presentation to have around 10 slides (12 slides maximum)
  • copyright information and graphical images used within the slides to be referenced
  • in-text information used within the slides to be referenced

Note: This is a third year unit and requires a professional presentation, hence your will be marked also on:

  • verbal communication (terminology, clarity of the language used, effective communication skills, cultural sensitivity, etc.
  • nonverbal communication (effective body, facial, eye, paralanguage communication).
  • readiness to present at the allocated time (attendance and participation during presentation of others)
  • timing and organisational skills of the group (time management of your group)
  • interactivity with audience and professionalism (overall quality of presentation slides, impression of the presentation, answers provided after the presentation)

Part 1 + 2:

Overall, your Business Report should include:

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Environmental issues identified and prioritised
  • One of the most important environmental issue identified, analysed and discussed
  • State of environmental planning in Australia in regards to the issue analysed
  • State of environmental planning overseas in regards to the issue analysed
  • Environmental management and planning in Australia compared to overseas country
  • Trends between urban form, community attitudes to natural processes, resource management, and policy development in Australia and overseas
  • Business case for environmental sustainability management
  • Strategies for future sustainable environmental development
  • Summary + Conclusion
  • References

Note: This is a third year unit and requires professionalism, hence your will be marked also on:

  • overall presentation of the report (e.g. formatting, cover page, table of context, etc.)
  • structure of the report (e.g. headings used, logical flow of information, etc.)
  • quality of the report (e.g. language used, arguments presented and discussed, etc.)
  • summary and conclusion of the report (e.g. succinct summary of the presented information, brief conclusion, recommendations for the future, etc.)
  • referencing (use of external information sources, quality, validity of the data presented, relevance of information, consistency of a reference style, etc.)

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Business Management: Conduct preliminary background research using available and
Reference No:- TGS02863941

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