
Conduct literature searches in pubmed and cinahl

Assignment task:

EndNote Assignment Directions - Winter 2024

The purpose of this assignment is:

?1.) Create one Group in EndNote

?2.) Conduct literature searches in PubMed and CINAHL.

3.) Select the two research articles specified in the instructions, one each from PubMed and CINAHL.

4.) Export references from PubMed and CINAHL into the EndNote Group.

?5.) Upload PDFs of PubMed and CINAHL articles in Canvas.

?6.) Complete EndNote Assignment Template for each research article.

?7.) Generate a reference list in APA format from your EndNote group.

Resources -view the following videos at the Thompson Library Nursing Reference page to complete this assignment.

NUR 700 Endnote Assignment walkthrough video

The video NUR 700 Endnote Assignment Walkthrough will demonstrate the process of creating an EndNote group (library), searching in PubMed and CINAHL, exporting articles from both databases, and sharing your folder with the faculty. Please watch this video as you work on your assignment.

EndNote Assignment Template

1. You must type directly on this template.

2. Using the given table, fill out the required information.

3. Include the two research articles specified in assignment instructions in the EndNote group.

4. State whether the article is from PubMed or CINAHL

5. What are the PICOT elements for each study?

a. Use PICOT elements for all quantitative research as noted in M&F.

P: Population of interest

I: Experimental group or Post-test

C: Control group or Pre-test

O: Outcome of interest

T: How long was data collected?

6. Submit in the assignment area.a. Completed EndNote Assignment Template.b. PDFs of PubMed and CINAHL articles.c. Reference list.

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Other Subject: Conduct literature searches in pubmed and cinahl
Reference No:- TGS03420032

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