
Conduct desk-based secondary research on the online

Good day,

The subject is going to be about a case study for the online retailer (Amazon.com). Using publicly available sources, you will conduct secondary research on your selected online retailer and assess consumer behaviour techniques used. You will also develop a central thesis analysing the results, managerial implications and suggestions for improvement of the tactical aspects of the consumer behaviours targeted by the online retailer.

To prepare for this Module Project submission:


1) A short description of the company: Amazon.com. (Approx. 300)

2) Describe the one issue that you will focus on during the upcoming submissions (e.g. website layout, aesthetics, offers or other elements and how they encourage purchases; segmentation / demographics. (Approx. 300)

3) Describe ways that the online retailer, Amazon.com, targets a specific group(s) e.g. ethical consumers; a specific stage of the buyer decision making process e.g. use of social media marketing to increase need / problem recognition). (Approx. 300)

4) Conduct desk-based secondary research on the online retailer: Aramex.com mentioning a literature review analysis of the key concepts that your project will focus on. At least four books or/and academic articles from the following list should be used. (Approx. 300)

5) Describe the research methods that you will use to collect data for your Module Project (publicly available websites, company reports, blogs, newspaper articles etc.). You are not required to collect primary data and should not quote or use information from non-public sources such as private discussion forums that you have to register to access. (Approx. 300)


* The total word count in the paper should be approximately 1,500 (excluding references and headlines)

* Please add references for the material used in writing this paper (a minimum of 15 different references quality academic and professional articles and papers, and links to websites and other sources are required "NOT ONLY BOOKS").

* Please note that the paper should be original, and copying from online resources will be detected and the paper will be rejected if copying percentage is above 25%.

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Business Management: Conduct desk-based secondary research on the online
Reference No:- TGS02409331

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