
Conduct business relationships


Establish and Conduct Business Relationships

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and manage positive business relationships. It requires the ability to use high-lever communication and relationship building skills to conduct formal negotiations and make commercially significant business-to-business agreements.

Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

Establish and maintain business relationships with at least two of the following:

o cooperative partner with organisation

o contractor

o customer

o networks

o supplier

Conduct formal negotiations, or make, and manage agreements and contracts in relation to the two relationshis established above relevant to the business context demonstrate the use of high-level communication and relationship building skills when conducting formal  negotiations and making commercially significant business-to-business agreements in the above business relationships.

Resource Requirements

For this assessment, the following materials must be available to support the negotiation process as relevant:

. Preparatory facts and statistics

. Key performance indicators

. Market information.

. Contract templates

Instructions or assessment including WHS requirements

The assessment for this unit of competency Consists of 3 Pans, Part A, Part 8 and Part C.

Part A requires you to review the current supply and contract provisions in place for a suppliers relevant to your work area in THE and establish new business relationships by determining alternative supplier provisions.

Part B is based on the results you have identified in Part A and requires you to conduct negotiations with 2 different suppliers to determine conditions for new supply agreements.

Part C requires you to communicate the negotiated outcomes from your negotiations with your supervisor or trainer, Conduct final negotiations where required and draw up the final legal agreements for supplies with each supplier.

You are required to answer all questions and tasks as out in each Part below.

Assessment Deliverables: Assignment Deliverables:

1. Piease submit a typed assignment in MS word document.

2. Document font should be either Calibri (body) or Times New Roman,

3. Document font size should be 12pt,

4. include assignment topic name, your student name, student number as heading of your answer document,

Section 3 suppliers of goods and services relevant to your area of work (e.g. Food and Beverage, Cookery, Events, Administration) who currently supply your organisation (for example meat, fruit and vegetables, stationery, cleaning services, laundry services, beverages, insurance etc.)

1. List the suppliers you have selected and describe the products or services they currently provide the organisation you are completing your placement with:

Supplier 1:

Products or services provided:

Supplier 2:

Products or services provided:

Supplier 3:

Products or services provided:

2. List the key performance indicators/specifications that are required for the supply of each product or service from each supplier.

3. Research alternative suppliers for each supplier you have listed in Question 1, and obtain an alternative quote for each supplier you currently use, based on the key performance indicators/specifications you have identified in Question 2.

4. Once you have received the 3 quotes, compare these with the existing supplier attach a summary which outlines the advantages and disadvantages for provisions and attach a summary which the advantages and disadvantages for:

• Quality

• Prices

• Payment conditions

• Service provisions

• Reliability

• Specific needs of your organisations (quantities, $ terms, purchasing power etc.)

5. Based on your comparison, write a recommendation for whether one or several new supplierls should be considered to replace any of the existing ones. Which aspects will need to be negotiated specifically where one or several new suppliers are considered, or re-negotiated where existing suppliers are preferred.

6. How are the relationships with existing suppliers managed in the current organisation? What does this entail in terms of communication, monitoring and provisions to overcome supply or service issues? What are your recommendations based on existing provisions in place (or where these do not or only partially exist)?

7. Where actual negotiation will take place as a result of the aspects you have identified in Question 5, you will be observed conducting these negotiations for Part B of this assessment project.

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Supply Chain Management: Conduct business relationships
Reference No:- TGS03034278

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