
Conduct an internet search of the basic course structure

1. Conduct an Internet search of the basic course structure for your state: • To conduct this search, enter the words "court structure" followed by the name of your state into your web browser.

2. Prepare a brief outline of the court structure in your state. Highlight the major court levels.

3. Locate a court closest to your geographical location. You can either search the Internet or call your local government office to obtain the name and location of the court.

4. Provide a brief explanation of the types of court cases held there. Remember, although all cases are important, most courts of general jurisdiction hear mainly civil cases such as small claims, criminal cases such as harassment, or vehicle and traffic cases, such as speeding or driving while intoxicated, which might fall under different categories depending on the level of the offense and the laws in your particular state.

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Business Economics: Conduct an internet search of the basic course structure
Reference No:- TGS01300239

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