
Conduct a web search for firms who successfully employed


Need 2 feed back 1 for each writer. Feed need to consist of subject not how well or how bad they wrote on the Discussion


Have you ever "liked" a company or product on Facebook? Participated in a company's blog or posted pictures on their website? Do you and your friends have the next great commercial for Doritos? The snack food firm has turned user generated content into an advertising phenomenon. Their customer created ads are frequently among the most popular during the Super Bowl, and in many cases, have gone viral. User generated content is exactly what it sounds like, content such as blogs, videos, pictures, and tweets (among many other types) that are created and shared by ordinary customers.

Conduct a web search for examples of firms that have successfully employed user generated content; there are lots of great ones to choose from. If they can do it, so can you! How would you employ user generated content to promote, brand, and sell the product you are using in your marketing plan? Is mommy blogging for you? Photo contests? How will you create the "buzz" you need to launch your product? Describe your user generated content plan and why you selected one type of content over another. How will you get your customers to participate? What's in it for them? Be specific and share at least one example of a firm that has used a similar strategy.

Writer 1:

The Learning Tree Academy (LTA) is a private school for children grades K- 12 that have a diagnoses on the Autism Spectrum. We have developed a blog called As LTA Turns. Parents, students and faculty can post pictures, videos, tweets of the day at LTA.

• Students will be able to talk about their day, share videos, pictures with their friends, create hashtags. The student will be able to create profiles and decorate their own page. This would be similar to Facebook but only LTA students, parents and faculty can be friends.

• Parents will have access to an online support group where they can talk about treatments, medications, non-medication treatments, IEP's, and anything else that they needed some advice or just to know that there is someone else out there that is going through the same thing. They will be able to set appointments with teachers and for IEP meetings.

• Faculty will be able to post what has and will be going on in the classroom. They will be able to post lesson plans, homework assignments, online textbooks/ reading lists, and what the students classroom life is life.

• All students will have to have a permission slip sign by their parent or guardian to have there pictures posted on the website. Students and parents will have to register with a login and password to gain access to the website.

For future students and parents who do not have a login and password they would have minimal access so they could see what the classroom life is like at LTA and they will be able to have a live chat with a counselor to ask any questions and express concerns, and they will be able to see what other parents and students think about LTA.

There are no prizes for the most part but this gives parents a peace of mind knowing that they can join in and have full access to their child day.

Writer 2

I would use Facebook and Twitter and host a photo contest from the adventure trips my clients would go on using the adventure App I developed.

The contest called "My Favorite Adventure" would run for 30 days and anyone who was a past or present client could enter their photo, with a short description of why they think its the best. The clients or tourists who use the app could upload one of their favorite pictures to facebook or post it on twitter for the chance to win outdoor adventure gear by North Face. This user generate content will attract other users to find out what the contest is about and what the trips entail.

With so many people wanting to show off their trips, what they have done, and where they traveled to, I think it will be an easy way for people to enter the contest vs writing a long email or blog or reason why they should win.

The North Face gear would cost around $100 and would be worth every cent when thousands of potential new customers are exposed to the travel app due to seeing the contest and people posting photos. Social media marketing is expensive and I think this is a great opportunity to get the word out at a reasonable price. Plus it makes a company facebook and twitter account look great when its so active, others want to jump on board and be a part of it.

I would get customers to participate by first offering the gear as a prize, but also by allowing them to show off their best picture on Facebook and Twitter, people love to brag and show off pictures, selfies, and crazy adventurous treks that they have been on for recognition and attention. At first the contest may start off slow, but as more user generated content was posted I think more would become involved like a snowball.

There have been a bunch of other contests by major corporations that involve users posting their best outdoor adventure photos for the chance to win free gear. A great example of this is when National Geographic held an outdoor adventure photo contest and had people email in pictures, a description, and some outdoor travel or gear tips between the months of February and May. Once the contest closed a team would look through the pictures and comments and give away outdoor adventure gear to the winner and two runner up contestants.

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HR Management: Conduct a web search for firms who successfully employed
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