
Conduct a war-gaming for multi domain operations


Capture ideas and reflect on personal experiences pertaining to the module content. Journaling is a continuous reflective exercise designed to assist students in developing contextual relevance of subject matter for practical application. It also provides instructors with insight to student understanding of key concepts. Reflective exercises (journaling) are essential in the development process. Journal entries will assist in constructing the course capstone project.

Learners are expected to use the journals to gather, record, and store select evidence and capture reflective thoughts relevant to their learning and continued growth. Students will capture SMC Capstone-related information, discussion question summaries, topic-specific notes, and/or reflective observations that are considered significant in their continued growth and progress as a senior military leader. Journal entries at the end of each semester will contain a response to the following reflection question and students may expand from there as desired.

Assignment Instructions: Write a 400 to 500 word substantive journal entry describing and explaining the process and tasks required for a staff to conduct war-gaming for multi domain operations and how you envision facilitating this process as an Operation Sergeant Major.


Fires and Maneuver

By Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Burrow

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Business Law and Ethics: Conduct a war-gaming for multi domain operations
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