
Conduct a training needs analysis of disney


Coel needs another team & task analysis-

My instructor wrote this about the team and task analysis and stated what it should have included:

The goal of this paper was for the team to conduct a training needs analysis of Disney and identify their needs. That was the critical thinking aspect of the paper; to review the company and determine where you, as a team, felt the weaknesses were in the organizational, team (people), and task analysis. What was submitted was a good description of an organizational analysis, a reasonable evaluation system and an explanation of ROI. What was missing was a clear picture of the team analysis of Disney and a summation of the training needs they might have. Also the task analysis was hard to follow and seemed to be an excellent analysis of how to complete a task analysis but didn't really identify any specific areas or KSA's that should require training. The team chose surveys and tests as methods of evaluation and those were reasonable, but remember that evaluation criteria should be specific, measurable, and time bound, that was not clear here. Overall the report was not always easy to follow as the writing styles tended to change; always try to avoid first & second person in academic writing, strive for third person; that is not always easy but can be done. Your word count was high as some sections got a bit wordy, and I would recommend one more pass through a grammar checker as there was punctuation it would have highlighted. Your references were reasonable, but not all those cited were listed in the reference page.

This is what the powerpoint presentation needs: I am doing an instructor-led classroom presentation with speaker notes

Create an eye-catching 8 to 12 slide PowerPoint® presentation using information from and focusing on your Teams Needs Analysis. You will recommend a delivery methodology for the final project to the appropriate management of the chosen corporation. Your presentation should include at least the following:

• A definition of a delivery method and how it would be applied for the project

• Pros and cons of a different delivery method

• A recommendation of the delivery method you chose

Coordinate with your team prior to working individually, so different delivery methods are discussed. (Review this week's readings for instructional and delivery methods ideas). One team member, for example, might present an instructor led classroom delivery method, whereas another team member may present a Web-base method, and a third member may present a computer-based program, etc. (see figure 7.1 in Noe for additional ideas) After the final due date for the individual assignment passes, share your presentation with your Learning Team, so the team may hear your pitch or reasons why, or why not to use a particular delivery method. Please do not share your individual instructor feedback with your team as that is between student and instructor. Since this is an Online class the presentation should include speaker's notes for each presentation slide showing what you would say if you were delivering a 15 minute presentation. Do not double space speaker's notes.

You must Include at least one peer-reviewed reference.

Format your presentation in a style consistent with APA guidelines. Remember header & reference sides do not count as part of the required number of slides.

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Other Management: Conduct a training needs analysis of disney
Reference No:- TGS01851881

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