
Conduct a swot analysis on your product

Assignment ::

You are to develop an interactive direct marketing campaign for a product, service, company or cause of your choice. Pick something you are interested in and have some knowledge or background. This project will span the eight-week term. Final report will be in the form of a PowerPoint program. This way you have a document that can be used and shown to prospective employers; and I have a cohesive report to review.

Next, conduct a SWOT analysis on your product. A form is located on page 30, Exhibit 2-3 in the text. Use this as a guide and complete your response here.

You do not need to do a chart, simply do as follows:

Strengths -

Weaknesses -

Opportunities -

Threats -

Assignment 2

the text you will find a guide, Exhibit 2-5, for completing a Message Strategy Brief. This assignment will encourage you to formally think though you product, service, company or cause more thouroughly and more strategically.

Please follow the guide and use the major headings and subheads to keep you on track It also helps me read everyone's input in a similar way.

Assignment  3

On page of the text you will find a diagram "Identifying an Organization's Best Customers," (exhibit 3-5) which illustrates the relationship of a customer to value. The author makes reference that 90% of profit comes from 10% of a company's customer base. Personally, I have heard the 80/20 rule, but, what's 10 percent. Your assignment here is to identify the three levels of customers for your product, service, company or cause. Then identify what you think is the most important "value" relationship for them. As we discussed in class, different candidates for a given product will perceive the need or want differently. It is important that you understand this principle when developing a database program since candidates can fall into three different customer categories

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Other Management: Conduct a swot analysis on your product
Reference No:- TGS01785754

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